The Rubidium Quantum Gas Microscope

Publications of Thomas Chalopin

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Hirthe, S.; Chalopin, T.; Bourgund, D.; Bojovic, P.; Bohrdt, A.; Demler, E.; Grusdt, F.; Bloch, I.; Hilker, T. A.: Magnetically mediated hole pairing in fermionic ladders of ultracold atoms. Nature 613, pp. 463 - 467 (2023)
Journal Article
Sompet, P.; Hirthe, S.; Bourgund, D.; Chalopin, T.; Bibo, J.; Koepsell, J. M.S.; Bojovic, P.; Verresen, R.; Pollmann, F.; Salomon, G. et al.; Groß, C.; Hilker, T. A.; Bloch, I.: Realizing the symmetry-protected Haldane phase in Fermi-Hubbard ladders. Nature 606 (7914), pp. 484 - 488 (2022)
Journal Article
Chalopin, T.: Optical superlattices in quantum gas microscopy. Nature Reviews Physics 2021 (2021)

Preprint (1)

Bourgund, D.; Chalopin, T.; Bojović, P.; Schlömer, H.; Wang, S.; Franz, T.; Hirthe, S.; Bohrdt , A.; Grusdt, F.; Bloch, I. et al.; Hilker, T. A.: Formation of stripes in a mixed-dimensional cold-atom Fermi-Hubbard system. (submitted)
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