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Group seminar at LMU and Zoom: A phase microscope for quantum gases

Justus Brüggenjürgen, University of Hamburg, Germany
Gaining insights into the complete wavefunction of a many-body system is fundamental for understanding its underlying mechanisms. more

Group seminar at LMU and Zoom: Characterization of Chirped Bragg Grating for Ultrafast Excitation of Rydberg atoms.

Arnab Maity, Ohmori lab, Japan
In OHMORI lab, we use a picosecond broadband pulsed laser for the Rydberg excitation of Rb-87 atoms. more

Special Group seminar and Zoom: Metrology, Topology and High-Pressure Superconductivity: Three Vignettes

Prof Norman Yao, Harvard University, USA
Metrology, Topology and High-Pressure Superconductivity: Three Vignettes more

Group Seminar at MPQ and Zoom:Quantum enhanced sensing with spinor atomic condensates in linear and nonlinear interferometries

Prof Li Yuo, Tsinghua University, China
Statistical inference of a parameter based on measurements from an ensemble of uncorrelated particles is lower bounded by the classical precision limit or the standard quantum limit (SQL). more

Group seminar at MPQ and Zoom: SRF Cavities for Gravitational Wave Detection

Lars Fischer, University of Hamburg, Germany
With the first detection of gravitational waves (GW) in 2015 by the LIGO collaboration a new era of astronomical observation began. more

Group seminar at MPQ and Zoom: Topological quantum simulation in the momentum lattice

Dizhou Xie, University of Innsbruck, Austria
In the first part of this report, I will give two topological quantum simulations work based on synthetic lattice. more

Group seminar at MPQ and Zoom: Quantum information processing with dual-type dual-element atom array

Zhang Zhanchuan, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Recently, arrays of neutral atoms trapped in optical tweezers have become a promising platform for quantum information processing. more

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