FermiQP aims at realizing a new and scalable hybrid platform for analogue quantum simulation and digital quantum computing, thus combining the advantages of both concepts in one machine.
Our Research

Quantum computers and simulators have the potential to solve a wide range of problems in materials science and quantum chemistry faster and more effectively than classical computers. Two of the most promising approaches are analogue quantum simulation and digital quantum computing. Analogue quantum simulators are already capable of realising a quantum advantage when solving specific problems. Ultracold atoms are a leading platform in this field and are so far unmatched in size and scalability. These advantages also bring ultracold atoms into focus for the development of digital quantum computers. On the other hand, these allow for versatile and universal programmability. A platform that combines the advantages of analogue quantum simulation and digital quantum computing, in one system, promises the greatest possible medium- and long-term benefits.
The BMBF-funded project "Fermion Quantum Processor" (FermiQP) focuses on the development of a novel quantum processor architecture and its demonstration in the laboratory. The new architecture is intended to create advantages that no other platform can offer, first and foremost the possibility of using a quantum machine in two fundamentally different operating modes: An analogue mode, in which a quantum advantage is expected in the short term for specific questions in the field of quantum materials, as well as a digital mode, in which the processor is universally programmable. The analogue mode directly uses the fermionic nature of the processor to efficiently explore quantum materials. The digital mode offers competitive scalability, full parallelisability of all qubit operations and full connectivity of the processor.
In our group, we are building the demonstrator for this architecture. Using ultracold fermionic lithium-6 in an optical superlattice, the machine will combine a quantum gas microscope with programmable collisional gates in an optical superlattice and control of individual spins.
Team members
Partners in the network
- Prof. Dr Christian Gross (Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen - UT) - “Scaling of the processor and connectivity"
- Prof. Dr Monika Aidelsburger (Ludwig Maximilians University Munich - LMU) - "Data rate and coherence time for FermiQP”
- Prof. Dr Ignacio Cirac (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics - MPQ) - “FermiQP algorithms and advantages"
- Prof. Dr Tommaso Calarco (Forschungszentrum Jülich - FZJ) - "Optimal control methods for FermiQP".
- Prof. Dr Jens Eisert (Free University Berlin - FUB) - "Theory for fermionic quantum processors".
- Prof. Dr Andreas Tünnermann (Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering Jena - IOF) - "Development of micro-optical beam delivery systems for optical addressing of individual qubits".
- TOPTICA Photonics AG - "Powerful frequency-converted laser systems for lithium-6 quantum processors".
- Robert Bosch GmbH and Covestro Deutschland AG (associated partners)