Publications of Johannes Zeiher

Journal Article (21)

Journal Article
Hollerith, S.; Walther, V.; Srakaew, K.; Wei, D.; Adler, D.; Agrawal, S.; Weckesser, P.; Bloch, I.; Zeiher, J.: Rydberg molecules bound by strong light fields. PRX Quantum 5, 030335 (2024)
Journal Article
Gyger, F.; Ammenwerth, M.; Tao, R.; Timme, H.; Snigirev, S.; Bloch, I.; Zeiher, J.: Continuous operation of large-scale atom arrays in optical lattices. Physical Review Research 6, 033104 (2024)
Journal Article
Tao, R.; Ammenwerth, M.; Gyger, F.; Bloch, I.; Zeiher, J.: High-fidelity detection of large-scale atom arrays in an optical lattice. Physical Review Letters 133, 013401 (2024)
Journal Article
Schmid, L.; Locher, D. F.; Rispler, M.; Blatt, S.; Zeiher, J.; Mueller, M.; Wille, R.: Computational capabilities and compiler development for neutral atom quantum processors-connecting tool developers and hardware experts. Quantum Science and Technology 9, 033001 (2024)
Journal Article
Wei, D.; Adler, D.; Srakaew, K.; Agrawal, S.; Weckesser, P.; Bloch, I.; Zeiher, J.: Observation of Brane Parity Order in Programmable Optical Lattices. Physical Review X 13, 021042 (2023)
Journal Article
Hollerith, S.; Zeiher, J.: Rydberg Macrodimers: Diatomic Molecules on the Micrometer Scale. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2023 (2023)
Journal Article
Srakaew, K.; Weckesser, P.; Hollerith, S.; Wei, D.; Adler, D.; Bloch, I.; Zeiher, J.: A subwavelength atomic array switched by a single Rydberg atom. Nature Physics 2023 (2023)
Journal Article
Deist, E.; Lu, Y.-H.; Ho, J.; Pasha, M. K.; Zeiher, J.; Yan, Z.; Stamper-Kurn, D. M.: Mid-Circuit Cavity Measurement in a Neutral Atom Array. Physical Review Letters 129 (20), 203602 (2022)
Journal Article
Wei, D.; Rubio Abadal, A.; Ye, B.; Machado, F.; Kemp, J.; Srakaew, K.; Hollerith, S.; Rui, J.; Gopalakrishnan, S.; Yao, N. Y. et al.; Bloch, I.; Zeiher, J.: Quantum gas microscopy of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang superdiffusion. Science 376 (6594), pp. 716 - 720 (2022)
Journal Article
Hollerith, S.; Srakaew, K.; Wei, D.; Rubio Abadal, A.; Adler, D.; Weckesser, P.; Kruckenhauser, A.; Walther, V.; van Bijnen, R.; Rui, J. et al.; Groß, C.; Bloch, I.; Zeiher, J.: Realizing distance-selective interactions in a Rydberg-dressed atom array. Physical Review Letters 128 (11), 113602 (2022)
Journal Article
Deist, E.; Gerber, J. A.; Lu, Y.-H.; Zeiher, J.; Stamper-Kurn, D. M.: Superresolution Microscopy of Optical Fields Using Tweezer-Trapped Single Atoms. Physical Review Letters 128 (8), 083201 (2022)
Journal Article
Hollerith, S.; Rui, J.; Rubio Abadal, A.; Srakaew, K.; Wei, D.; Zeiher, J.; Groß, C.; Bloch, I.: Microscopic electronic structure tomography of Rydberg macrodimers. Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013252 (2021)
Journal Article
Rubio Abadal, A.; Choi, J.-Y.; Zeiher, J.; Hollerith, S.; Rui, J.; Bloch, I.; Groß, C.: Many-Body Delocalization in the Presence of a Quantum Bath. Physical Review X 9 (4), 041014 (2019)
Journal Article
Hollerith, S.; Zeiher, J.; Rui, J.; Rubio Abadal, A.; Walther, V.; Pohl, T.; Stamper-Kum, D. M.; Bloch, I.; Groß, C.: Quantum gas microscopy of Rydberg macrodimers. Science 364 (6441), pp. 664 - 667 (2019)
Journal Article
Zhang, J.; Unmuth-Yockey, J.; Zeiher, J.; Bazavov, A.; Tsai, S. -.; Meurice, Y.: Quantum Simulation of the Universal Features of the Polyakov Loop. Physical Review Letters 121 (22), 223201 (2018)
Journal Article
Zeiher, J.; Choi, J.-Y.; Rubio Abadal, A.; Pohl, T.; van Bijnen, R.; Bloch, I.; Groß, C.: Coherent Many-Body Spin Dynamics in a Long-Range Interacting Ising Chain. Physical Review X 7 (4), 041063 (2017)
Journal Article
Zeiher, J.; van Bijnen, R.; Schauß, P.; Hild, S.; Choi, J.-Y.; Pohl, T.; Bloch, I.; Groß, C.: Many-body interferometry of a Rydberg-dressed spin lattice. Nature Physics 12 (12), pp. 1095 - 1099 (2016)
Journal Article
Choi, J.-Y.; Hild, S.; Zeiher, J.; Schauß, P.; Rubio Abadal, A.; Yefsah, T.; Khemani, V.; Huse, D. A.; Bloch, I.; Groß, C.: Exploring the many-body localization transition in two dimensions. Science 352 (6293), pp. 1547 - 1552 (2016)
Journal Article
Zeiher, J.; Schauß, P.; Hild, S.; Macri, T.; Bloch, I.; Groß, C.: Microscopic Characterization of Scalable Coherent Rydberg Superatoms. Physical Review X 5 (3), 031015 (2015)
Journal Article
Fukuhara, T.; Hild, S.; Zeiher, J.; Schauß, P.; Bloch, I.; Endres, M.; Groß, C.: Spatially Resolved Detection of a Spin-Entanglement Wave in a Bose-Hubbard Chain. Physical Review Letters 115 (3), 035302 (2015)
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