Pascal receives SAMOP Dissertation Prize by the German Physical Society
The AMOP (Atoms, Molecules, Quantum Optics and Plasma) section of the German Physical Society has awarded this year’s Dissertation Prize to Pascal Weckesser.
Pascal carried out his Ph.D. thesis “Feshbach resonances between a single ion and ultracold atoms” under the supervision of Professor Tobias Schätz at the University of Freiburg. In his thesis he investigated the interplay between laser cooled atoms and ions. As central result, he cooled the ensemble to the quantum regime and discovered tunable Feshbach resonances between atoms and ions for the first time. His results enable a new class of quantum simulators and allow precision measurements for quantum metrology.
In July 2021 Pascal joined the division of Professor Immanuel Bloch and started working on the Rb Quantum Gas Microscope. With his colleagues he investigates cooperative interactions within subwavelength atomic arrays and Rydberg dressing in Bose Hubbard systems.
Congratulations Pascal!