Group Seminar via Zoom: Stimulated Brillouin scattering in nano- and micro-waveguides

September 01, 2020

Flavien Gyger, Postdoc candidate
Group meeting via video conference (Zoom)
Tuesday, September 1st, 09:00 (MEZ)

Dealing with the unique situation of partial lock downs worldwide and home office solutions at our Institute due to the current spreading of the Covid 19 virus, we are now holding our group seminars and journal clubs via video conference. This procedure enables us to continue our research, enhance discussions and exchange important information.


In this presentation, I will report on stimulated Brillouin scattering in two types of waveguides: integrated silicon nitride chips and gas-filled hollow-core fibres. Silicon nitride has emerged as a very promising material for integrated nonlinear photonics. However, Brillouin interaction in silicon nitride remained unobserved for a long time because its low Brillouin gain is screened by large optical fluctuations originating from the chip. By designing a smart optical technique capable of cancelling these fluctuations, the Brillouin gain in silicon nitride is observed for the first time. In the second part of my presentation, I will describe a strong Brillouin amplification in gas-filled hollow-core fibres at high pressure, exceeding by six times the gain observed in standard fibres. Using this implementation, I will discuss a novel gas Brillouin laser and a high-performance distributed temperature sensor.

If you would like to join our group seminars via Zoom, please contact us for more information.

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