Christian receives Outgoing LMU Research Fellowshi
The Outgoing LMU Research Fellowship is awarded to outstanding scientists across all disciplines, who recently completed their doctorate at LMU. Christian's project will advance the field of analog quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories by combining insights gained in his studies with ultracold atoms with superconducting qubits as a new experimental platform. Specifically, he will develop a scalable building block for analog quantum simulation of a Z2 lattice gauge theory. Christian will join the Superconducting Quantum Devices Laboratory of Prof. Arkady Fedorov at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, for two years and then return to LMU in the Synthetic Quantum Matter group of Prof. Monika Aidelsburger. We are happy to welcome him back in two years. Christian was also selected to participate at the 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting. About 70 Nobel Laureates awarded in physiology and medicine, chemistry or physics will meet with 600 young researchers to discuss science. The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings are intended to promote the interdisciplinary, intercultural, and inter-generational exchange among scientists.