Group seminar at MPQ and Zoom: Novel light-matter interfaces for simulating gravity and quantum information processing
Dr. Rivka Bekenstein, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Group seminar at MPQ lecture hall and Zoom
Tuesday, January 23 at 09:00am (MEZ)
Abstract: In 2015 we suggested an experimental nonlinear optical system to simulate the Newton-Schrodinger equations [1]. A model that unifies quantum mechanics with Newtonian gravity, describing the gravitational self-interaction of a quantum wavepackets. Recently, we broke the Newtonian limit suggesting the Post-Newtonian Schrodinger equations and a system to experimentally simulate its dynamics. In this talk I will present new solitonic solutions of the Post-Newtonian system and experimental simulations done with optical beams propagating in a nonlocal nonlinear medium. In the second part of the talk I will present our efforts toward solid-state based quantum metasurfaces [2] with subwavelength atomic-like arrays. Specifically with arrays of Silicon-Vacancy centers in diamond that have proved as promising emitters for quantum information [3,4]. Analysis of new entanglement generation protocols will be presented along with an overview of our experimental setup in my recently established lab.
[1] R. Bekenstein, R. Schley, M. Mutzafi, C. Rotschild, M. Segev, Nature Physics 11, 2015
[2] R Bekenstein, I Pikovski, H Pichler, E Shahmoon, S. F. Yelin, M. D. Lukin, Nature Physics 16, 2020
[3] E.N. Knall, C. M. Knaut, R. Bekenstein, D. R. Assumpcao, et al., Physical Review Letters 129, 2022
[4] D.S. Levonian, R. Riedinger, B. Machielse et al., Physical Review Letters 128, 2022