Group seminar at LMU and Zoom: Disordered Rydberg quantum spin systems & spin glases

November 28, 2023

Moritz Hornung, Heidelberg University
Group seminar at LMU seminar room and Zoom
Tuesday, November 28 at 9:00 am  (MEZ)

A major goal toward understanding far-from-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems consists in finding indications of universality in the sense that the dynamics no longer depends on microscopic details of the system. We realize a large range of many-body spin systems on a Rydberg atom quantum simulator by choosing appropriate Rydberg state combinations. We use this platform to compare the magnetization relaxation dynamics of disordered Heisenberg XX-, XXZ- and Ising Hamiltonians in a scalable fashion. After appropriate rescaling of evolution time, all the dynamics collapse onto a single curve. We find that the observed behavior is approximately captured by an integrable model that only considers local pairs of spins. These pairs exhibit oscillations independent of the type of Hamiltonian which explains the universal character of relaxation dynamics of disordered Heisenberg quantum spin systems.

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