Group Seminar via Zoom: Monolithic, in-vacuum optical buildup cavity with large, crossed modes
Andre Heinz, MPQ
group meeting via Videoconference (Zoom)
Tuesday, May 19th, 09:00 (MEZ)
Dealing with the unique situation of partial lock downs worldwide and home office solutions at our Institute due to the current spreading of the Covid 19 virus, we are now holding our group seminars and journal clubs via video conference. This procedure enables us to continue our research, enhance discussions and exchange important information.
We report on the design, assembly and characterization of a monolithic, in-vacuum optical cavity to enhance the power in optical lattices. Our cavity consists of an octagon-shaped ultra-low expansion glass spacer with four optically contacted, fused-silica cavity mirrors forming two orthogonal cavity modes. Our building procedure allows very precise positioning of each mirror substrate to achieve an optimal overlap between both cavity modes of 99.8 (5) % . The cavity modes have 1/e^2 beam radii of ~400 µm to enhance the optical power at six different wavelengths in the visible to the near infrared spectrum up to a factor of 1132 (13).
If you would like to join our group seminars via Zoom, please contact us for more information.